Sunday, May 25, 2014

Funny Ribs Knot Broken

Specific to my up-bringing with my Mother,
words have meanings select to themselves,
the worth of such said will be understood in Stead,
as not an outreach rather an interesting led.

In absolute in crossing moot,
the Being in transit must be suite,
to negate the fact that seen exacts,
my youth did hold these strange in facts.

To inspire the maternal wired,
she often made me laugh with tryer,
a bit of this a lot of that,
but in all said it's just a strap.

A sort of leg up to mount the knack,
my ride is a horse in tack,
the girth I tighten to not fall back,
upon the ground 'cause you'll go smack.

So before the after of chattering stacks,
engagement of this worth is wrapped,
with define of moving last,
enter into the ever mast,
a kind of Sail in a task.

Blinded bye the formal bright,
should you counter it's alright,
patience delivers difference bourne,
the knots of simple 'our' placed in form.

Confusion could cause a state,
to run to fast to just placate,
the apathy upon the Earth,
is the reason for this birth.

Traveled far I miss the Star,
he is a great strength to me in lar,
of course I like to keep things real,
so fairy tales still seem a deal.

Dreaming froths at bits in said,
to go vice I speak of read.

Know define as you steep,
the clue is knowing that riled is deep,
Propergaridy takes sum time,
from hear to there in out of shine.

A tickle to my Mothers sides,
I give a chortle deep and wide,
the grin my Grandfather was always wise,
Nana would wink in realized,
the love 'Continues' to be our lives.

'A State of Being in Transit Spline'

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