Monday, May 26, 2014

Lightning Striking Blew Smoke Spake In The Time of Pass the Plate

Inn of the ink flying the pen,
writing the clause of out in the send,
back to the over before the begin,
ending the cowards of dastardly doors.

Flung through the Net the Poet is more,
for you knotted friends should wish for the pore,
to link up this R.I.P. of you've been a tip,
to Wares of the Dungeons in What's for the Whips!!

Closely shrugged by whom I will know,
balance this worth with value of grow,
sync to within the tower of sewn,
the Feat is not Managed,
the breadth is a San of stitch.

Francisco a Name taken from came,
buried with treasures to uprooted for combs,
stand upon the basic of known,
wearing gowns of white is a State of a loaned.

Keepers of the Dead will be Lead,
mind I due for you a flavor full pine,
the box of sweet in bitter of line.

Thru the wisp of the wheat a sickle will seed,
by weed out the found in only a sound,
of what is so reamed the clever of speed,
a tonal require so deep it's desired,
to make the difference in Dungeon's of Sired.


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