Monday, May 26, 2014

Nature Speaks Too

To Monopoly The Gaming Board,
cross the middle the bank does Thor,
in the Task of rounding pass,
stop collect the Mass is basked.

Hot the Dice in thrown to Tice,
up the ante? it would be my dandy,
rounding World in opened sandy,
the beet of the pulp is the turned-up spoke.

Speech stinging fleets of reaming claimed,
today is the day I feel the prey,
in my veins I root to more,
stand for lives in living dies.

To not be the anonymous flee,
I strut to spread the word of bled.

In worth of done the arms should hug,
not sell to the biggest dubbed,
for in such places the eats are grubs,
known particularly for lancing loved,
the power is the share of cubbed.

Get out of Jail a card to deck,
pull the Lot and it will bet,
that Cheater Cheats life of doved,
'cause we all know that in Tic-Tac-Toe,
it's the teeny tinny mighty bow,
that aims to charge the Knight with Know!!

As Cupio is a pea in a pod of Poe,
loving movies as a blow,
so many to chose from I'll just say note,
row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream of Moat,
to the Circle of the Float,
the deck of reason has now spoke.

Coats of Arms in a Toke

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