Friday, October 3, 2014

Åbout å Nook

Ask the Night inside of the starlit speak of the Quest that Man must seek,
in the ride to list of weird the body of the challenge in a sort of Tier,
stage One on the seat of craft torque with Trade at blasting shade,
in the Second appearance veered the battle of the Field clear,
perhaps the third in Fort of gear sits the Fence of soil cheered,
the strange in pencil lead of Came down the stick pointing Crane.

Fly the sky with single Flare Creation soared to short a View,
midst that big Bang of the gain in walks Evolution try the Name,
growth perhaps for Quantitative Frame must believe the bench of brain,
sparks that Fire to ore of flame free the purchase with a grain,
salt to the Suns that peer that Sure while the Outer Realms are See,
forget the think in Still Mind rink 'cause in that Thought the Keep is Raws!!

draw the etch to swing Inspect than place the set to plate Ink bet,
poker cards with Gamble Let on this is the luck in stet,
a steady of the Horse of trait is in Fact the best of bay,
from girth to saddle the bit & Bridle are the Reins of steer,
to buckle not the Shoe of boot rather lace the leather Chain.

Cruise the breeze style Might in text of ride the Test is get,
to symbol on the letter of the standing of the Stable barn,
built stalls as Cross ties are the snap those quick-release of trailer do,
a leadline when attached is the Walk of Astronauts in landing all the fame,
yet upon a Version of touch brush a Muddy day appeared from Spud.

Savage at the scent of lathe Que rain in storms of Arena sat,
mural Walls with Artist balls taste Balance fork the dynamite,
stick of Halo with the find ring the Fire it's a sword bunk dagger,
forge with Crew a Goods in route the heat is shaking Sun in bright,
Hollywood with shining Lot an Acceptation to the Vat,
purse this string Red to Tack the Antlers are the read a Cack.

How to scroll with Rock of Role in a World on the Mole to part Tron,
select to Channel of reason than script the clamber Season,
in a Song on ladder said about the Live of T.V. bed,
the truer of these Screens in back are the Tunnels on the knack,
for change the Horror to Picture Show 'Y' to be that X of deed.

silver screen

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