Friday, October 3, 2014

Lens Sleeved ~ Perfect Fit Forth Born To Clique

The race of Trigger in the stand of a Custard on the span in this the evident stun,
all the purpose for a buck in the Can of 'cause chime Combs the lip on tongue,
should the apple of the bite behave as trickle on the stump a Syrup in the lag,
as bottles are for Coconuts and Sheep form the ewe's in munch a Fleece to coat of spar.

Chase the menu sit a stride look so grand the Piano cried in chords of leaning spirit,
to test the gamete of a Hutch in the china of the Eye on doll or is the Needle pin,
struck throw bones with knuckles sent to fist the pad With paper ink a gland,
in Oyster of the pearl String a knot cork Bump on Camels ring to water on the Mount.

Canteen in dessert upon the dinner of the Supper in the lunch to start the breakfast bub,
around the Tour of the silt on Stockings at the box of lil fork the stage a drum.

Hand paint on the Hind in can't remember all the Art by strand to Force the entry pill,
swallow which a glove of Bill on the beak of peek a skill the lather distant graze,
trust the Sad on each of fill to empty back the package Shill that key of cage to rock,
that the customary Carriage harnessed with the gave in Yarn a big Oh rocket Mill.

Groats that feed the Billy Goats to oats that seed the Mustard show a Hotdog on the bun,
sausage that to Pound and Come down the prim of Rose in path a tunnel of the Trill,
shudder Trust with free Way hunch an equip that Moves call bunch of dull the peel slipped,
all for crud that equals boast to sing and not to Trump the gross that seems the Signal Vow.

Microphones that speaker Host teach the value of the Choice in tender Roast of Yorkshire,
in the pudding of the Butter add a tip in Table Stat. the lip of Mouth is Question rat,
performance of such Close Contracts put to Mold the Stretch of grab so Almost it shims reap,
a dragon with the Cloak of groom a bitter sweet to flavor Corn the spring in Winfred Jack.

Gosh the gear is ever Flat to the slope of riding knack the worth of stoop is kneel dear,
that point of Clause to mars at law in the church of Counter cod a Net to speak a Fish,
the Crab a bay to Albino may in the skinny drop the line that spoke of Pink eyes raid,
in blood of sweat to bath of set the Imagine of a dreary Check to being aft be Forge.

Lance A Lot to turkey crop in a Scene of should be Sot to dance the Moon at gees,
perk the plunder as the Monger of the burn to sink the stung to debt until the Part,
while trotting is a double sport to the loo of let the Port be communicated trued. 

Spur Tails

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