Friday, October 3, 2014

Feater Bones

In the grave of reason to the late on the brew of Brow a Trade secret to the Crowd of decision,
at least the basement of barrel had had the Opportunity of fought upon the trap at Snare,
in time of eyes and body swell the dilation brought Wisdom with eventual in the price of Paid,
to tusk Nail the hour with squid on the Power of an advantage in Certainly over the rolly-polly,
makes deliverance not challenge but Subject to the clock of lands.

On or there A bout of Quarters to the dime Tin in a Fill of Ice Cream dollars,
in the born to A Fuse as the ticket has bin the receiver to a track of Cues,
great Baths came with tact to Explain the arbor of the shaft in a Stiff,
minute Notes to a horror in the Tunnel of freeze as the ice of Shoulders is Case News to Chord,
a cream Spinach to the cucumber of Pickle in the glass counter that Sheds speak in louds.

Move a rock and Watch that crock of bite on the mere of Reflection of at-Large,
trough to the done Life on the flinch burns of lather that Come on facial expressed in Matter,
years of confusion to liquid space that Washing never took as the Mind photo put.

Present time in a scribble on the Crayon of Box insert the Cod find a block & curdle,
the gluten of milk that blast of Snatch is broken by the ground Climb to Bach,
in The Music Played a daily Remains questions not Of for the Rat is A drug by Anchors in shrug,
these casual Canes that bench mark the lanes to Future of brawn in the paper Towel gone.

Reckon that the bean Files are Mirror to the Crime with the Nose in the kindle of Sign,
that Stoplight is flashing too Advise of the park over the Hill 'cause do has done still,
trued by comfort in the City Education Dept. of Houses that deep Well of hugging the Fell,
meet with a Bender on a wreck in the body for Instant the Marrow is read for it's shoddy,
the girth of the Banker in the middle of a Tanker`d is cruise controlled by Scope morns.

Softies Lease Expected  

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