Thursday, October 30, 2014

a.k.a. pill owes

Natural satellites invitational Labor of delivery to earthly sings that cry on,
the Improv of streams to the read labels both wrist & ankle to record bore,
a Certificate with Name Identifications lineage on line crew in Cell of given,
standing Signature of time spent not always with body in lay of led,
former to address the product press may indeed become the Be Haved.

Satellites Manmade by sky placed in the remote of a visit to guess,
strange idea of movement rows the space of numbering dials joe,
coffee on the book Tablet decade with a View three dot letters represent ka chew,
sneeze to the presence of the Sun in the light bulbs of rewarding are signals in flight,
Head as the conduct Watts are the crown Circling the sphere Global on the pound.

Ask yourself that Question sell does the operator smell or scratch the pop-Up book,
ask the skull on Stitch to scroll does the application Mole taking blindly by the sole,
ask the arm with Elbow bent does the Finger arson rent through given Take a wrench,
ask the leg of Walk about does the foot in Feat tell loud or are the ear phones plugs,
ask the body of the Ship does the I land sync the sip of thirsty by the Verse in whip.

Trace a simmer on the steam you will find Volcanics ream in bubbling over talk,
should the bubble not be steam that Vapor is the speak of rock,
inch by slate to mountains top the lid is blowing with the flock,
for birds will sway a way to path and Animals will spook at touch the Fact,
in explosion the Motion grabs at the guts of Whom it lags the fire of a molten pad.

Do to conscious flow the keys of Digit knew the No speak banana or bamboo ouch koala hoot 'R' ue,
panda Bare nude to stair the Tree of closures raided scare in Sphinx to say the Cat,
as monkeys Sloth about the sat could the pear be on the Fax,
according to McGauglin the silver is in the Trade of One Hundred Miles to gree,
that corn is returned by booking of the Nero learn as title goes to reason.

What Did You Say!! 

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