Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Odd Couple

Sticks and Stones can beat your bones but Words can bury you,
in the number 10 release the sport Olympic Rings of gold,
take that touch the 'th' degree than what you Tales hot,
in speech & Say the proverb Gray mirror of reflections Tray.

Step on a crack the sidewalks trace a several on the Curb,
event of Fest in mid of 'Rest' will stop the over Herd,
ink on Print the island meant that Plane in sky arrivals,
balanced seats riding Week from base to Top Gear shift.

Shadows do win the shade as there is Echo of the pave,
dirt on handle bars do show that falling is for knees,
scab the Sign with bloody chime Goods of plenty page,
flip the Penny to a coin the Head or Tails play.

Center court with Ball of sound the straight-up designs,
not to plot but rather knock a doorbell in the shrine.

Wood in saw Glue in hand Painters save the brush,
color on a Crayon Song with real in the blush,
garbage with the Working Man is trucking No Mistake,
its mechanics on the move bringing health to Home of sooth.

Classic chalk on Nail boards dry erase created,
a swipe of silence made of same but left the trace in Violets,
talk on walls Etching stained the Glass of Templar's mile,
a Gargoyle atop the decor Crop is shifting eyes of Crane.

Seals in the bay of sharks An orca on the beach,
stepping per the land of reach Adults with purchase rave,
shoulders square not slump from scare for each Idea believes,
that Innocence is putting one step forward to Being. 

Shrink the cause to affect than observations clean,
barter Thought of children's Taught than Dragons great the Means,
a bring to lather in the Bath soap of scrubbing All the grass the dirt between the Tows,
know bubbles in the empty Fast do airwaves in the boast.

Proud is the 'pride' of language ride as set to piece a Riddle,
answer shot by scribble lot the 'Cross' words fly to Jock,
steeple Hands enlaced with fingers is it Peoples Roof or Sitters,
inside the Palm of certain long a Fella or The Social Throng.


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