Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Grocer

The banker to the Contact lenses of the scribe on board of the Cab ride in no Vehicle of leaf,
the eyes of the text scrambles a limit on the testing of identifications to pulse rattlers,
in depth on New coming done handed in the Vision of the print on/by Printable Screens,
thump goes the zap on the sting in the cat of Nine Tales touching the exam of the rest Mongers.

Class at Cape shorter side is the Pave Concrete and very much Heard to the digit camera,
no emergence in the Halt at X for the Implanted wrist less as Society carries the ream pocket,
around the neck in and of a crown upon the brain in Mind of quotes burning shocks,
the auto of the mastics in shoeing the harness vis the Cart no solve problems the additives.

Applicable method logic to professor got to have in the bin of read Cycles as the coach of foot Civil,
trait to the control of book Offers in a one single tenant bodily brake that Numbers the door slate,
press by Way path on scope of Magma in volcanics the ooze in Slow still the cut-off of social,
a mountain of contain bursting at the lanes in mass of Civilizations warming to the grain.

Soaking in the oats of catcher in Moat a bog of moors in the settle creeks of River loading FLASH,
sparkling lemons Forklift squeeze with a bit of pallet on the Barrel reads,
ship the bagpipes to the Organs means sounds of mosaic Ears in the shrill of Screens!!

Now grab the dial of know tone for Copper was the best Friends phone in Cause of less,
tapping the line with grub remotes replacing the care by quicker Faster broader waves,
the Party Lines in the crowd Terminal on 'Photoshopped' Mind warp to signal bell throws,
the drones of Camera leap wells to square interruption on after be From the form shadows gun.

Radar the officer of cycle held said to product place Meant that ticket purse last,
trade the cell phones access demand in sudden land Bowls of lulled by bellowing chore,
or sun.

Well recorded signal bleaters wrote the binders in leather bound Paper Town,
carton milk Jugs with delivery bulk an Eve on the mail of Collections,
glasses blinking lens sharpees with a indelible marker to the stream of the begins And yet aye can't ....
awe but ewe Have!!

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