Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Pitch Of TOUCHDOWN!!

Pasture Fence take this Tape electric on the zap of trace in the ping Battery Case,
bip bip bip the steady still of the On & Off the dill of the pickle Hear in whole,
as the wire is made of clip on the T post of the chore a flat is in Adding pace,
to point of Place in ride the Horse for the stream is on the Face as the stick will bee.

Pop goes the lip on the drinking crib for would the nose go ring a ling,
pipe corrals Cattle guards barbed wires on the Farm in ranch of Matters to the darn,
breaking out to run about the danger can be Stalls of loud by eating grain in rooms,
telephone Operates to forge the shoer on a count touch on the metal freeze.

In the Wilds of the plains what is the Static on the head of the drum,
spook to crock or Winds that blow Tornado stew which giant wall are crew,
running tabulations posture by the Stats. of the orchard fruit,
in lumber on the percentage grown Bats have no cubbing Millions now are threw.

Copper hard lines with handle tones connecting the telegraph it shout,
clique Click operator on the know is the Oh for ouch or is it could in brow,
simple leaps of ships and bounds to twisters in the guttural sounds,
throats that excuse or clear the Nostril of the blow in rogues of Vaudeville.

Dressed by coats and tails Comb the brush of curry Fee so quickly to the shoe,
lace the shrinking active leave the rising numbers sure to queer the explanations Side,
hind in quarter to the groove a process of the brain in fire Sharks are on the tooth,
rows of origins in the Ion are now the irons Fear.

Rub your feet on rugs that ski are the touches sparking see,
bread that once did go to box now the food is in the crops,
potatoes in the cooler spot used to have these growing talks,
the additional with that watch it give made Penicillin on the live.

Dishes 'Hour' in minute Times swing to tell the texting lined,
faster faster Quick in sent does the taste have a rinse,
scope was mouthwash do not swallow from the belly of the sully,
paste & speak test perk week days of Say & Zones of spade.
