Thursday, March 17, 2011


Harness leather is rather thick.
There is richness in the stitch.

The whips and chains brought no
great danes, the german shepherd lies, 
stilling me.

Their teeth are barred, their hackles up,
the growling at the door.

The bedpost four, the dresser nigh,
I'm sure I'm not a tie.

A room of light, there was no shore,
it was so tightly fit.

I kept awake, in hand I do!

Remember What? Remember Who?

A Seance is in the hand
smoldering chill doth fill me.

Moldy, clammy hands doth hold me,
filtered parts of A La Carte,
dinner? the time of year they sneer.

Beating bombs, bonging sneath
a pipe so long, cotton strong.

The hose does a loop to loop
passing, fasting, are the summing?

Apple droppings scattered 'bout,
hay there, clings "no tout".

Intestinal line, like running twine,
a wheel of wood is spinning.

The thread like entrails
became "ditty ice"!!

drinking down the stomach pane,
shards of glass
are entering
this caused a stir!


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