Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Learning that "The End" is only "The Begin" for me: Puzzling

The journey that I have been on has been a means to an end.  What I have learned is that finding the end has been the means for me to begin my journey.

Taken our innate ability to discover pleasure in an act, taking that act and coercing those around you to facilitate the act for your pleasure, under the pretense of enlightening their minds by introducing them to an act that will create pleasure.  Never during the introduction did you include the consequence, which must be paid for such an act, your desire out weighted any consequences. Your diversion to enjoy the act of pleasure will have the highest price, simply because of your selfishness.  The minds that you deceived still will pay the price for their deception.  Every price will be a different toll, choosing to pay the toll or not will determine the vehicle used to exit the act.  This is not a question of enlightenment, right or wrong, true or false, good or evil, these are the vehicles that we choose to excuse or explain the act to ourselves and enables you to rationalize that choice you made under the influence of deception. The outcome remains the same; the future contains the knowledge that enables the ability of choice to determine our continued growth and the rate at which we grow. Change is inevitable, time has provided the knowledge to understand this fact. Accepting that every action has a reaction and your ability to choose directly influences the reaction, then your understanding will make your minds capable to take, accept and be responsible for that which you have acted on. Those that have chosen the vehicle of deception, as a reason to be involved in an act, now know that by choosing ignorance as a vehicle, have knowingly ended their ability to continue to grow.

"Choice" is a freedom that provides "Time" to determine the outcome.  To remove the freedom of choice and replace that with destiny or any other absolute will only in turn allow "Time" to deliver an outcome.  The outcome will reveal that the presumption "to know" or have knowledge and understanding of a specific act is only ignorance on their part and the allowance of that to perpetuate it. The understanding and belief in the freedom of choice will be subjective to the same determination and outcome that Time will provide.  It is these provisions in Time and the acknowledgement that the unknown has become the known and the fact that dreams have become reality in the past, which makes our imaginations the key. This understanding will provide our minds with the ability and nourishment to grow that any life form requires.  Our continued growth and ability to change has proven to be the key to our success, domination has been the result.  Our presumption I suppose.

Understanding that Driver’s are innately part of our very structure as a human being, than you will accept that the answer to questions evolves at the rate of our ability to ask the question. 

Just as in mathematics, it presents a problem that will need to have a solution. This allows the understanding needed for our minds to realize that it is the actual problem that will deliver the answer.  Realizing that the equation is simply Time.

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