Friday, August 10, 2012

2 + 2 = 4


A division of the Truth, is rather Uncouth.
Why bother yourself with lies and than deny?

You are "Up" or  "Down",
then 'round and 'round.

Point being,
you are driven down.

Again & again.
"Why come around?"
if your being is being drowned?

......gasping for breath,
I ask!?!


It does make a difference,
'cause it's already all over town.

Lies, lies, always lies.
To hate a liar, is to do or fly for,

Fright or Flight,

To speak on
to speak of,
a topic, to" keep up?"

the conversation?
with your feet up?

Will be what may beat-up, yourself.
Not so stealth. 

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