Thursday, March 10, 2016


I saw the most Fine of Machine as the Monitor near explains Technology of the Secretary Pool,
ask that recording on the Deed of written to Type of tip a Call on the verse of cent Tents speak,
no echo of computer Technology it is the Typed papyrus to Wet lips on Lipped stick in Cue??,
nigh the Hour on the read Back of spy Knoll flew ID to Identify language as Pronunciation today??,
no it is the Caliber of the Use to that singular chose to Choice communication on the Nash a Knoll menu.

. . . . to see that the dough Nation would Scab that pick^It,
fenced is to lathe lodge^it^call,
a shingle in the Taught^See my Mother and Owl,
whom is the vernacular on the sell Ewe loops chord??,
is the one word to two break bent on the commercial of scope??,
is the listen to Plug gauge on the Gag as the Choker of detail is a Necklace buy Buckled??,
should the slash on the sort to the File of Read say that that is Knot what was Said,
than Upon or A Pawn the Chess board of Re-Red is the bluster a Sigh^Clone or drone^Kneeing??,
truth on the Cork to Mass^Sauge^Gin^Knee is Kenning to that Be^EAN said.

Trough of drink to that Horse on the saddle is Odd a see on the Boat??,
are Oars on the Caw knew to the Crock^Curr^read bee??,
sting Grrs??,
seal^Lean to discuss^Shin??,
matters at Tram to the slip&sled on the crisp^Pea snow to Snow^Pants and bored??.

What shell the clam grit to Muscle as purr^lead??,
an Or^stir by definition or the Plural platter of a Sconce as the accent to MSG??,
that Spice^See laps to Topped spear^it^chew^all on that evaoporation in sure??,
is the Ink pass^Tell a painting the Jung to avenue Map^Ping as the charter of Rinsed??.

Wise is the Quest^shun to bank^kin on A,
exhibit the Ha^bit^Chew^ole and put Forward the swell??,
encased a library to in^sigh^claw^Ped^dee^Yaw Mark,
check^keen to answer machines taped of Busts clue??,
shoes on the lace up what is the Islets prepare,
is it for Wholes on the Buttles of Welts??,
there the Creek to a River on BLM,
the land that barbed Wire??,
it was the steep`d Sand that liquids Fact^shins To Hoss^pit^Tolls Air port on the Fare^a^lawns Tripe.

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