Thursday, March 10, 2016

Y Next Time As A^Paul^Lo^Gees Lead^Dured The Pane

To 'Q' on the Mountain fame as that is the number settle of hugs on the counter loved,
from the Watch to that rancid factual Understood,
stews and loss is the fax to store,
as up See would be on the grands of Another to the brew Towel a tea,
it is the inks that typed to hour state of knowing the FOO's as the embrace^sing Ware^Ever,
that strain of the sync to evergreen Clover of just never sure but by the Ways and Trailheads its a shirt,
that Sweater with a Mammoth to The Elephant in the Shingle of coffee bye the Thought,
digs to the base of Goods and begins that shown to Shine the Stars twilight Talks,
video Sprite brings this letter to the Eagles of a road for Willie Nelson sang the lyrics to Got A tug bare^ole,
the memory of The Mills to Paper Shredders a Scissor cut-Out that played the Violin,
the Seuss^Sue^Key Method of choice gave that sue^Ba^roo a lather Yet^Teas that Bridge of Nair^Owes??,
no its the simple things that Chalk the signs long before the breadth can be of any say,
oh but for the Radio and the Antenna of Willie mays on a particular Card,
the Tell on the sit^chew^a^shin that brought Knoll^ledge a Ewe^Caw^lei^Lee to station Identification,
these Homeward bound daisy chains for the Human-Be In,
The Haight & true Ashbury.

Streets of San Francisco to that Flat of a find,
My Mother sang to the Colds and the chills of goose Pebbles Jung,
deep shy to shied for the age of we's dome was being faster to the gate,
feather to lighthouse the Call and the choice,
what is the How and the run on those blankets,
warm summer nights don't cut it on the Origami for bisque done,
califlower bleat to Swamp coolers Sweep,
tables at X it to thrust of the Magazine,
proof is evident as the Munch inch S in IM,
boar for the Ram on the Monk keys at this Sword!!

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