Saturday, May 31, 2014

James Blunt Cried!!

I has Died,
my Self has fly,
me is buried in Never Lied,
the Fight Zone is the Ares Tied,
to the Tale in the Bones,
a Seeker Keepers reads two Bones.

The real spell a Broad is rail,
the Skee is Ra of Sun detail,
the Moon IsIs the Eons shied,
a Man is prackt to Bay in stay.

Mystery Solves the Gee is Calls,
a basis in the shades E Vailed,
the Cords Enlaced the Trail is Vase,
now to Rome the dictations Tazed.

Thee blitzed Sky,
Earth burps Ste,
aptly known the Sphinx did Loans,
shifts to Mask the Face the Dac,
Itp to Egg Shelled pearl Kell.

To a Myst, 
here a Flitz,
blood lined up to curt a Twist.

Cell makes Skunked,
just in scoops,
wheeled parts to Body El,
the Ink of Tats of Dadders clap!!

Crupped in Vat,
boiling tacked,
the swallow has a deepest stroke,
and hits the nail on the head,
to Pierce the grip in Handle find.

World Maps,
Tour Wraps,
the bite to big comes the stick of live,
I have dike, my Self have thumb,
me is in the waters spray.

He Said Love,
I tow Shield,
Prefect Scepter It Ist LUNG.

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