Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Which Of This Would Be I Don't Know The ..... However.....In Light of.....Said Circumstance..... Silence Speaks Louds

To the Present Posting on Face Booked,
clatter the factual to the actual in ... had your chance,
the belt and the demins the T-shirts were Means,
to entice the off and running machined,
Oh Yes I Know I Strobe.

Lights to the Sky in the Big Dollar Hi!!,
stage to the venue in the ....I heard you were short,
back the Actuals turps in the Add,
I can loose weight and in ways like a Quake,
a Corset does say in an instant of,
Oh For the Leather of the Stirrup in Leg,
UP'S stuck!!

Now to the Insider of the Wares of the Blues,
grew in the banter of shot like a rocket,
to the pocketed Suite,
I just think believe it's ..... the Wikipedia in bead,
how once you write the best of .....
the truth is the ruff in a Tub!!

Tug Boats have Captains that Work for their lanes,
guidance to get where Ships have no tame,
the Map of Differentials a learning or Name??,
no bitter saids I spoke and Blunt fled!!

The Isle of Man is the simplicity in Plan,
row, row, row you're boat,
you're in the wrong ran,
almost as if you Canter to Pram,
the Carriage my draw is for Friesians to ride,
Oh for the Magnificence that had to go..... hide?,
in the Green Room or is it on the World Tour Again?,
One can really Never No this Begin,
for he would have to be the Blunt of the ........ I think you didn't say but body language, Airplanes, Hammocks, Single Beds, Fled, Keeps that you bread, don't really all the factuals are just matter of lacktuals.

So Cheers to the Name of Blunt it's his Strain,
'cause all I do know is written in being blown-off for his Door of What.....can't say, 'cause in Love and War the breast is the vesting of the trust and it's torn.

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