Saturday, December 20, 2014

Wall Street Gender

The Mind has sight of what it Might be capable to do,
should you push or shove a gift what will become of You?

Does Your wealth contain such stealth that Acts of strength do Well?,
how can lies bounce around if truth seeks out Unwell.

One step, Two step, Three a quad,
a tank, a gun, which, is the way to begin when rage and anger runs.

I have seen the sight of ugly acts,
such things that people do.
Upon reaction from a fight the ones with fists doth; done.

As a Mindful game,
mean-spirited was the road.
For if you have seen a golden thing than worship was no fun.

Hours upon Hours I heard the Voice,
a speech of nothing said insert here all that WAS or DID become became blinding to my Head.

Never did I think that I would age myself to say,
that I watched my mom do the brainwashed wave!,
and willing people stayed.

No confusion to this Thought for clarity lays 'round,
the truth does not lay clear,
you really had to hear.

Difficulty always came as HOURS thus did wane,
but, much like NOW it's better said "hey Another day!"

Starting out with no choice,
fighting hard to make just one,
Night or to See a light I gave up on That Year.

Laying still, I stare today wondering my claim.
I know what was, I can't deny, I missed my ride from here.

I said "Hey death" here to stay? will you be my guide?,
of course, my dear, you are my love,
no sear!!

So, if you do fear, back a way from tear And be familiar too,
the color of what is white will often trouble you,
walking into "The Light?" I don't think so,
the Point is Driven Hard!

Sharp are days with sneer, 
I'll not make fun of days that ton with information here.

How often do you Clause?,
or you are one that gnaws?,
at Yourself/Himself?, no better Yet! you sell out each good cause.

I hope your money bought,
[what brought you what will knot you into]
what ends up being just plain caught (and out!!) to open up a Vein of blood and not a drain,
my anger shall become the rage that haunts your [every nite.] stay.

A pyramid regime, a ram on the horize,
I mostly witness what is quitters coughing up for the hitters asking for the dollar fare,
a sell of the midnight snare.

For sake of no one else,
I speak but I won't tell the secrets of the very deep,
for that would be just a living hell to Me; rise!


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