Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Begin

We did not ask to be Born,
we accepted our duty.

We did not ask to be Abused,
we received it.

We did not ask to be Hurt,
we were tortured.

We did not ask for this Life,
we were granted it.

We were at one time Three,
we are now two.

I walk for my best friend. A journey of Love, Forgiveness and Understanding to seek out Spiritual Leaders in this World.  I wish to ask forgiveness of my friend who took his life and according to all beliefs is now suffering in a Deathless existence.  Whether its purgatory, hell or 7000 years of atonement, I am walking a spiritual path in this life to find forgiveness in myself so that when my natural passing takes place I may search the underworld for him;  in order for me to stay by his side throughout his pain. 

A simple promise made to not forget one another, to not leave the other behind, a measure completed between friends in a nightmare.  This is my fulfillment for all the unsaid words in our lives.  As brief as our time may be with a person, our ownership is still within ourselves to decide our fate.  I am embarking on a journey of life for all the children that have been and are being abused, raped and molested daily in this World.  I believe all of you that speak of such private matters without you having to vocalize a word. I see the pain in your face, the pain in your life and I do not agree with the sanctions of this world.  I will walk for you until I meet the Men of this World that can grant peace and forgiveness to the gentle souls that still scream. 

As much as I want to continue to do this for him or for all of you, I must remember myself too.  I must understand I do this for myself with my own hand.  I must release the promises to others to allow the powers to be to allow each of you, including me, the ability to find our own peace.  I can however walk for my own healing and I can walk in the memory of the passing of innocent souls that came from troubled circumstances.  This can be a peace that may settle within my own soul, I made it!  I have a Voice and I can Speak to Eternity.

To my Father,

I do not know you, I wish I did. I ask you to bless this girl.  I pray you to place your hand, your breath, your warmth and love over each of my children.

Rain will wash away and cleanse us of all our disappointments and wrong doings to one another!  Let it rain, make room for the sunshine that will warm us and let us grow.

Life is beautiful for all of Us!!  That which does not kill you, only makes you stronger.  Strength is all around Us. Each of my children holds a key inside of them.  A key to open any door they wish to explore.  I know this because I have placed in each of them a safe place for peace and satisfaction.  A non-judgmental spot for me and them.  They sparkle in their eyes and spark in their souls.  They will take destiny and change it to what they desire.  If I could wish anything for my children, I wish for them happiness and never to experience loneliness.
Love always, life is a long track.

The "Big Bang" created Me

Delivered into the mouth of an ancient Dragon.
This is what I know to be, this is "ME",
always was and always will be.

I am only a child in a World not known,
a World lost to all who knew of such things.

My Father created Me!
He called upon his Father's father and Father's father,
he called upon an ancient line of ancestors.
A linear view of what he knew and thus he broke the rules.

For in his death he gave me life and death is what I know life to be.

Karen A. Placek

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