Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Magnitude And Measure

Life brings Death,
death brings life.

A perfect circle.

Just like the Sun and the Moon,
neither cheats the other,
for one is nothing without the other.

Fighting to be born,
looking to die, Why?

Can't we just be?
and laugh?

Allow what will come,
to be,
a path to be!!

do not choose apathy.

In the beginning I wanted to believe that fate would not be put to the test.  I believed that the heavens above would remind us all and warm our hearts.  I wanted to believe that we could choose left from right.  I wanted to believe that all roads would lead to spiritual knowledge, but, I understand now that all roads and the destination points are chosen by each individual.  Each of us are capable of truly understanding the freedom of choice and therefore we must accept that every action will have an equal and opposite reaction.  The epitome of a double edged sword.  Therefore, the instinct for our own self-preservation is the driving force behind our self-annihilation.

A World of Motion, backwards, upside down, spinning all around.  My head is inside out and all that will come out is this message directed at all of you.  I am compelled to tell a story, one that begins and ends the mass confusion that surrounds all of us. I have tried to silence the voice that speaks, but, it cannot be denied.  For the voice that speaks is me!!  I charge my words with what I know, from what I knew and from what I see.  No voice speaks to me to tell you these things.  This message I bring to you is from my heart and from my soul.  It is straight to you from me.

Blind and Dumb I suppose

Blind and Dumb, that is what everyone see's of me.
Am I ?
or is it just what I was created to be.

My eyes are open,
yet, I cannot see what they say is there.

My ears unclogged!
yet, I cannot hear what they say is calling.

Am I blind or just born into darkness,
looking for the light.

Am I deaf or just born into silence,
looking for a note.

Am I these things or is it my senses guarding and protecting me from the world and what it has become.

No music, no symphony, no glorious
voices singing to me.

No light, no magic, no curtain to be lifted,
no uplifting melody.

What has happened?
What have you done to the earth which had begun?

Blind and Deaf is what I have become,
is it just my senses protecting me from the world
and what it has done.

Karen A. Placek

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