Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Sponge and clean the body soul,
dream of what will make you whole.
Love and dare to be natures friend,
sun shines into all my needs.

Graceful greatness it's so full.
Stars twinkle, elemental store,
rivers run with Glacier flow.
Oceans here are blue in sewn.

Lakes are masters of this own,
cities bye, they do make tombs.
Human Beings a natural try,
Man in the Moon did say Goodbye.

Earth of beauty, Earth recedes.
Watch out extinctions on its knees.
Pleading desperately, no extremes.
Heavens hotter than Hell it seems.

Take a mop and know your sweat.
The Earth is melting, so make it quick.
Shun the ones who look aside.
Find the wealth of truth in hide.

Karen A. Placek

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