Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Beating Like Drum Of A Ten Fold Sum

An incredible day amongst the amazement of being alive on the this the 24th of 2014 in the month of June,
to date the day is a wonderful to know the Calendar is the business of the Year in a simple moment,
recognizing that Time is the calculation of another Civilization teaching the relative to Keep it up!!

Challenge the hour of bringing the nower with the lines that ride with a Planet in a Galaxy of a Cosmos,
to imagine the credits are running to the rhythm of whom should be felt in the cheer of the Belt,
Orion must speak to the Spectacular Feat of building an Order to a Systematic steer!!

To not breathe this fashionable expression a cosmic impressive would be the shame in life itself,
as reason begets creation embraces evolution to know that forwarding in the vibrations,
counting the solar stars as a family whom shines to the occasion of sending a comet in a big hello!!

Transfer that into the vat of the Racing in the Age of Iron as a streaming value of surfaced wise,
the hugs form the bursts in the excitement of release to boom across the spherical in leaps,
bounding the tide of Mass in a Wide formulation that increases the respective of the dynamics!!

To know that the pull is so strong it brings the more into the shores of just what can be,
the revelry made through the trades of trillions of broughts to see as an Ocean of the leads!!

Should Man be the example of the feeling to before I could know the between in a beginning,
as the Mind is the product of a library in the sub. of the cells sparking doors to the store,
as the synapses fire to the element of wire a spinal in vision the storms we have traveled!!

Rails in timely precise for the ride just like the horse I rode not three hours ago,
mounting the power of an Animal that certainly has the strength to jump the Moon,
land on a Star cross the Dimension the View of afar!!

Strides Of Perfection With The Gift In Soothing 

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