Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Father Created Naturals Storm

The Formal Brought Investment otherwise known today as the intialed to storm the home in life increased,
as Text would be appropriates just shorten this to lead as Tweeters of the see,
it's called the FBI in simple words to bring innocence to belief!!

Mangled minds intertwined in remote of viewing behind the future of the past in line a riddle or a piece,
addition rather to the Wares of when hand thrusted in the peeks to value sub. to trough the bleak!!

Gross Productions Supercede tighened Verbal to the ball of swinging punch complete it's GPS in feet,
around the barrel of the fire in guns of arms that mired the hugs from centrally attired.

Badge the Shield to the Knight bring fight to level with the Kite a string my no mistake it's Site,
doubled up to view the Stag as Man has been an Apt to Crag!!

Bay the Howl to the Moon a Compact discpline controlled to Boom the bigs of Brains in Moved,
craft the Cinderella Ink in Asp the CIA is mirror to Globe the Hour of a shattering!!

Once a GAIN thus Second Time to Third the Lives in plains subbed line,
capricious 'Thing' to be the 'It' in a birth of just 'Did' to better more saved Lives!!

Trade ores to Medal drills the bites that brake to complexing born to Earth I see the Core,
it's all in Ready to slam the Steady and Cut the Electrics to the Batteries of  Stele!!

Be Quick to Sand the Syncing Man that streams Our best to greatest Land,
the brand bye know mistake says Band of Monkeys is a Traits!!

Creature Features Half Past the Hour Lass 

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