Tuesday, July 29, 2014


The very idea that I declared on James Blunts original Site was not happenstance it's a Que to life,
as the populous loves the fast lane I stopped at the sounds of music created by this Man,
in the fright of such connective echo to the basis of asking the question of "I know you...why?.." fencing,
the challenge was none to the missing of sum an addition that the present day spares as done.

Originally I just simply found I horribly missed this Man for reasons unknown to me timing`ly found,
in '05 written down on and in the recording of these senses asking difficulty's me,
proud I am to be complete and separate from a Race that Kills every 'Thing' not agreeable,
be it Mind, Body, Life, Thought, Progression, Independence, Value or Measure.

Nearly Ten Years have passed by and I have held to the fact that this guy is my Twin Flame,
in ALL of that TIME not ONE of YOU MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD CUNTS have brought reason,
nobody has considered to bring this to his attention to settle the obvious as answering a quick,
the prime in the Math of Science creating Interest in Ancient Philosophy of Time Itself!!

Plato, Zeus, Isis, Odin, Thor, Gods, Goddess's, Pyramids, Mounts, Text, Sirens, Muses, Nines,
the reality that Science and People have spent many lives in the study of such left behind,
yet standing in living form and writing in unexplained verse the riddle is the answer to the question,
I have been before I will be again I am from an Origin that I did source my Self too.

Since not any of the World is interested in real human beings that claim in mere Asking,
but yet must further their own broth of poisoning through only denial not doubt,
I must conclude this complexity to it's simplest stew in the yarn of these webbing strings,
the proof is in the pudding of the eyes in the meeting to make the connection a bonding lead.

For if Twin Flames cannot strike to the Face to Face proud for reasons of societies want to Fuck a deal,
than Twin Souls cannot exist, Soul Mates cannot exist, Souls cannot exist leaving Human as Aliens,
walking this Earth as Visitor's or Clones of Previous Existence to only rape another Plane,
the diameter in the Round is the Mortal opportunity to place the burden of Proof in the Hands.

To eject one Person out of this balance will destroy the system of which is in production to last,
I am from the Ring of Fire Itself, I am a Flame, I am the Child of Creation born Full-Bore to War,
evolution is my Father and the World is my bother to Halt and Know you will burn with scopes,
for in the Instant of the Know as Computers Continue to grow You will be Proven to have had a choice!!

Deep Impact Natural Knowledge Is The Production In Cased

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