Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Fifth Element

The Theme of this Introduction to the Glacier saying I'm dying but I melt into my love the Ocean it's blue,
to the oxygen that a breeze blows to the wind snow in a storming of volcanic designs,
joining the meaning of connections with truth in the Nature to a all encompassing Sign!!

As Pluto has driven joining the stars in ribbing the flights of the Wares in Class to it's own,
production is growth explosive in notes to sing with Milky Way as connective to Rote!!

The music of what certainly must be the ways of knowing trust,
all ways together in the bounds of the ever lasting for the treasure of the Creative sublimes!!

The Heart Wires in each and every Being an electric pulse that provide in a Score,

the Mortal of Living could not deny the brilliance of the Tie to finding that Hand hold too Tribe!!

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