Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Just Jobbing

Released by the importance that the repeat is the comfort to the stick with the cream of fillings,
traits to the basking lurches that back to no remind of the futures in best of done to bedded,
crown the minds that musk to offering the blanks as fulls to never could come to the actuals in reality,
that text or the fumble of the crutch to bring the all ready sung to the life that is dung.

Credit to the able for their strength is by certainty the wisdom to dump the rakes for the sump,
wealth to the given for the thought is all ways in the reaming of a youth that never grew past two,
stage the height to the width the flip to the truth a venue to the name and the apple to the bitten,
for I evolve with Time to ride The Ages Lined with a Memory for only the Divines!!

Naturally born in a full storm birthed in Ready Form to War these lives of dissolving primes,
swallowed for safety kept for value created to measure written in treasure began in ever,
there is no place that does not introduce the scenes of remarkable to the count of infinities proof,
a simple carriage to fly a breadth of on the whithers of a horse with a coursing to Being spoofed.

Nice to final in the after been to a complete and whole life in a singular effort of an equaling try,
not to judge but know compassion, not to use but be of service, not to kill but be of grain,
growing with pain as agony in the cooking pot of this life and all it has brought to stew it's a lot,
the carrots of the cellar dumps the hope of any on the lives of dreams that last in brakes.

Proud Flesh Never Ties

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