Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Stamp Book Collections

Now in the strange of the weirds there are touch-screens communicating verses of the stones,
as the conversation comes to place it is the finger that is the treating taste to the preference of laced,
the Web as a Net to the looming in based will attract the Eyes to the dilate in a Guide,
as the Pupil of such Means informs the Tell in a theme of 'The Continue' as a Scene!!

This treasure in witnessing to the obvious distraction can only be the Control if the remote is hold,
to pass go in the monopoly of the Clue in chutes and ladders it remains to be the board games,
the Tunes of the Morning rides discovery to the Realize what is Up with Bugs in the ever Hop,
as the Road to the Runner said 'beep, beep, I think' scooping the dude to a Man on the Moon!!

To includes of the moment instants that provide the Talk as just a passing Star in the why,
as sum Kind of Knot that does invite Trouble but the fault is not the point of the heards,
to the School Room of the Instructive to the Movements requiring concentration,
the sit begets the Watch to Value the performance while provides speak in Torrents!!

Back to the Entertainment without having to purchase a Ticket to ride is in fact exactly the same opposite,
being wise gages the Hots to the know of the balk in real talks for that would be a Dungeon Keep,
Wares to force the Issue by the Beat of the Drum called your Head.

As reliance to History is the Factual grains that seed the Field of Now in a Train,
preparation for Ages that own the Able via the Applied behaved to the shown.

Sense the World is so busy with Tours and the Like a Back to this approach is not the worry for loads,
as that would have had to be a setting of the table to increase the want of the goods in a fable,
this would have made the opposite equal a gifted player with said Sociological study Revere!!

Lamp lighting is a respectable career as the Hand Hold seems to dictate the cleared,
leaving the Dreamer of the I said so's to the Actual of the Blunt do shows,
not interpretation is required for application as admission is all ways to be the catered!!

Goose That Hide

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