Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Air Go!!

Dew on the rain Mountain were the Suns of the Valley snows,
at their Peek bow inking the nears,
a bounty from a Cloud spoke asked,
the grass in the Coverings of flinging blossoms to the Windy.

Crafts shored upon the Sand,
at the basis sea to Rise,
inside the large of the breaking Oceans bay,
coral grew to fish proceed,
an Anchor quest showing read.

Crumbs kelp sway,
on the lilt a Marsh soars Time,
to equal wealthy stash!!

Plodding Orifice chunked,
shelf a Service,
began the Kite wrote shrinking.

There in the ankle of the Sky a symbol,
in Hot describe a breach park paned,
doorways crawling captured Pine,
lull the whisper of the birch sparking store!!

Prowess Vents 

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