Wednesday, July 30, 2014

And It Is Said On The Hards Of The Instrument Itself .... SING!!

That's great the look of Tarzan swinger James on Stage being Torched by Lighters in the Audience of wired,
he would never have the shakings to read any of this bagging of his life on each post a light to aid the Fired,
in Egg Knight James Blunt is a scrambled on Top of the Want N Be's for even the thought of Venue dikes,
he probably couldn't hold a Candle in the Wind let alone be the Representative of the wax mold to Set it.

His wobbling lean is more than likely over played and under use to the World Tours and the blues of chute,
the flame thrower that never Sparks to the trouble of the Hard for that would be an actual effort on his part,
in the easy speak of mirror me the why bother he cruises feet I mean Crowds by surfing form completes,
I'd say it's disappointing but reality said that must be the reason for the new Suite to hold the drip comes!!

He plays the Odd in See spanking the language with an Entry to 'Hi I'm going to Perform in front of You',
a rather odd approach to announce your attentive Audience to their Feet for the excitement hits the beat,
that is when 'I don't why you like me I sing such sad songs!!' the crowd Surfer proceeds to gloat the please,
rubbing on the base structure of the Guitar guise as the One Man Stand to Open Viewed had get a Ukulele.

So he'd look bigger? on Stage as he Roles the part on growing Art to speak the Big Ole Truth of Root,
a whipping boy I see for grace my time with all his dimes of why the change of clothing lines so bent,
get a little song and Singer long the floor goes a pounding right on strongs now lets look to the dressings,
a bit of this to tag that in a Man who declared he has a Sociological Degree in Study of People in Action.

To the Video of James Blunt on the edge of the bed basis commercial fed staging Race Track wedding,
for a Man that cannot stop long enough to change clothes in the real advantage to Scent of an Issue Pi,
he is going to Tux it out with a What exactly Where on When did Any one Think 'bout How the Mind works
oh yea and lets not forget all the passed songs of Tributes to the Brain itself Wise Men troop or was it Man.

Now all the magnanimous replay of Interview Oscars to the Tempter of the Beastly in prosper I take hymn,
he lives on an Island, hint hint, unto Himself, soapy suds, he is a Single label, screw band, constantly whining
all about his failed romances, did he have one that ever took place in real life or was just is Magnum lies,
if that is the case no wonder he's a One Hitter fore score with a rubber door a highway to Heavenly deeded.

The Blunt Bone

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