Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Linking Text Chaining Sets

I will scream on this Site and be more of a Square on the other,
building my structure to time in exposure,
the chill that will run down Blunts spine in the truth,
that he has taken from life the balance to dream,
all for a Party in bigger theme,
that shoves Plato aside for a beer and a ride!!

As time just keeps clock with the digital block,
building with value to measure his walk,
destroying all innocence to robbery of streams,
nature would just storm a Twister in reams,
the rifle of search in a gossip of birthed,
America is just waiting to land on his Girth!!

So balance with truth back to the born,
my life is just the ribbon of thorns,
barbed wire I dream of bringing a peek,
the obvious is next latter the week.

Due process takes nothing but patience I have,
time is the broth and the Blunt has the salve,
greased for the recording I've done what is best,
let go of the hurt to task the the next Test.

I dream of beauty I dream of Truth,
I could never walk away from a life that has seen death so real,
it stings to know that he represents this stow,
but in each a gain a lesson chalked up,
to stand regardless of James Blunt and his stunt.

He will appear it's rather clear,
that entertainment of real are those eyes sockets of deal,
the raised brow of the fortune 500 in know,
the World is Oyster and he is a Throw!!

Sound Bites

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