Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Road Reals

Venture experience of the shouldered a Crop in whipping Creed,
forth vase in shatter hit the Core of World as in total ignored,
hard lease in life to be contrite not be action flung to write,
confidence in work of done speaking closely in this vein.

Trust rode to stand upon the worth a find in complete,
suds of soap not tongue of Scope held for purpose Moat,
river bank to jumping tanked no guide created trait,
verses growing Act my bay in length of whom shall Neigh!!

Patience sung of language lung the Oxygen in rank,
removal shrank the bale spake removing action of,
creek the flow asked the Dam in infer striding dire,
no Goods to spare the great old sky shed love.

Hope remained dreams still Vein the blood of living stain,
a Window pane to what is came cut Flowers beauty stoned.

Effective rain shorts that run in doors to threshold out,
no need to work for Peoples loud as Earth is in a hurt!!

Look up dear friend I cannot sure,
the upside down is writing mights,
love held strong for moment wrong,
it's kept within the beacon Song.

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