Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Picture Perfect

So quick the bell tell tower ducked at the speed of caught in brought by simply random knee,
the bent in conversation a bitter tongue in listened however by reaction on the Site is defining tense lend,
the truth of swallow to add the fact I'm knowing now that B.D.S.M. is not this Ages back,
the deck of reason goes Complete to played out Games the broad is feet.

Ankle deep in moving fetch the ball is red and Humans wretch,
being in the captured said take my hand I know you're said.

Now the Trued can be the Moved in Keep the Borrow of the Breed,
for I was told that in was a Mole to throw me off a new found Truth.

Twin Flames that Plato spoke of in the Philosophical Recording been,
has frightened the Mass so much that the Populous has kept me from the Blunt touch.

Regarding this in oh well I guess it's just a massive Match that Fires in the each of Brained,
the End Times were meant to bring by Sky the raining hail of a down poured spy.

A Bonfire via Song not a Comet hits the ground the Flames spark so strongly The World found alarm,
truth be known it's really just Crow a Wolf howling to the tunes in soon,
Christians do not want to be exposed as Liars that have stolen every Word from Briars.

The embarrassment or is it the collection of the Dead that halts the New instead,
either way life is just 'A Day' to believe that Innocence is the Only Way.

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