Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Boot Moon Square Knod

Sewn stack upon the Shoulders of whom have responsive racked the sped,
turn Style the branch as the Vee towards the Shed of Ask in the Tend of A,
stagger the melt to a broth Stature marker of the Marble of a Crayon spot,
planetary ordered be bring the ladder to a Dance in the Wild rogue the Spear.

To the See of an auk flight of the Eye in center staff brand the spake a draft,
carve the Outer Solar stork to relief the gone tea to the Coffee held in cup Hand,
sooth borrow with the sleeve of Court term trough the filling of Pi equal Maut,
strew a break away to breathe the run of vacancy to arch the Ste Ki in spout!!

Creed Deeded

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