Monday, July 28, 2014

Bed Knobs And Broom Sticks ~ James Blunt True Flame

Fig this plum to the fruit tree vines to coil with the grapes of rye wheats in the grassy timbers,
skate the cubes to the ices speech that abbreviates a nations T in the Y of leads,
spotter thought as the brink in drinks thus wine kept at the pull of needs,
for in the evidence that has presents the verse comes to the totaling breech.

Hurry hurried in texting reads that bothersome of speedy trues to broth the spunned to shalt,
processing the actions sum decides that louds are in the score tis measured trust in veering lusts,
stage the trip to journey longs not from this disgusting dirts on Earth but Planes of been in lured.

Shalke the spice to the oregano as thyme says to the garlic spears that pickle does the pen in strokes,
to key the looped in and out to the taste of treating shout the vast divide to currence ride the oceans,
in the seaside taxed for the shores of looking at the rails in the sky of touch does streak.

Pass that as the needle jab to dragons that do explain to task the wake in dreams a verbose to breathes,
the liquor of the earthly deed must leaves in heavy approaching keeps or broth the facts to lack,
in treasures of a mortal bleed the body does these fleshy sees to right the left of sterning.

In the stare of backwards Wares the staff does stick it firm in the extremely stern to sober burns,
a little charm then asks the yarn for Nest to not do scramble eggs for shells are useful too.

The Chickens Coop of Roosters troop may know the more than I in stoops but don't negate the lay,
as the birthing brought the hip of moving in the tuning skip as digitals are photo's nips I still do ask my self,
as the penny, nickel, dime, quarter are the hittings square the angle is the even shared for it is a zip!!

In the jest of the play you'd have to say to not myself what is read and white all over in the News papers,
to never sit the gamble arch the site begets the better laws of why's too how's it bite,
a fence around the cement town liken that to tombing sounds in the built theirs seems Constructs!!

'cause people are dyeing to get Inn!!

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