Monday, July 28, 2014

Dancing Days & May Poles ~ James Blunt True Flame

In the low bass of the Concerto in this life I just know that wisdom is the purpose of reasoned,
in the thought to add the math in the calculation of the sound that said invite,
as the Violin joined in the Orchestra from my begin I bow to the effort as an incredible lend,
to the balance of the breadth of the current of a best friend that held my hand in real!!

The baseball games the radio blaring as that Antennae made me laugh so hard,
ear to the peace that I know we will Continue as the bond of forever speaks eternity,
in the Infinite wave of the line that Circles to form the lives to be a grand in the piano Man,
the remind that a Flute is an Instrument to the Harpist that strings as the Guitar is playing with spoons!!

In with a big bang that created my life in a breeze to Comet to this Earth to be,
the voice of the Ages I speak to the Times as if their passing in my rhymes,
the values of the Principles chisel this measure of guidance to the Stone of the Pyramids Sphinx,
I embrace the Revelry of Life Itself as the Gift from the Incredibles of a Teach!!

Ride the Mountains to the Valleys Peak at the Point of the Magnetic Compassing of the grace,
surely before in the blast of what had to have been the birth of only the breath it takes to see,
that Planets leave and Moons are Stars to be in the shape of the Sphere of the changing tides,
as the Sun will not be covered as her companion is in the aspect of her hide!!

The fortune of the Live is the Force of Nature as the Sky reflects the Oceans spy,
a Solar in a System that Orders are Rare to the Scene of the Know,
to understand the Elemental in the Vast of this believe that a Fire is a Flaming care,
as I See in my Mind on Journeys that love me the Credit to such a magnitude is the truth to desire!!

Imagine fields that wave with dimensions to save alive in the growth of ways to float,
across the comprehend in the Sight of a Mend who really wants for anything other than a Friend.

In the take of this trip on Earth the pain and the horror of how or why we are bore is not health,
it is trap that does break the individual so the innocence is robbed for the sake of the almighty dollar,
a job that has produced more money in the wealth of the Church and yet people are still hungry,
walking the streets and have no home that would offer more than a do or die situation.

The locks in key of the cage that is made with the wire from the text of what is now a trade,
takes to condemn with the verse like a curse for the person who asked for a hymn,
trust is belief that life is a Time to discover the Totals that Come in the blinking of summed!! 

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