Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pot Plants In Door Drip System

Blunt he wore black boots in the jeans held loot the t-shirts were convenience to rip away the truth,
now he forks a Suite like an Astro NOT for in the Helmet worn it's just a fucking Prop,
as the shoes now worn are for the Tennis formed as he runs to Scenes that the Worlds Torn,
funny how repeats bump into the groove of the Vinyl record that CD's often prove!!

The skip is not so easy with the Compact Disc for now it just screams blinking as it's final tip,
first he was a Military Man, than he was a Singer, now he is a definite in Our hist a Ringer,
circling the global trigger to view another life? to understand the stealing in the broadened dance?,
or maybe he is looking for the wild romance that takes the Time to Ages truthing on the Dime!!

Expressions that are lost to the language brought at fluke that is Hiving to Bee the stinger Doss,
the Wanderer he is through many lives he lives burning more than Being in kind of spline,
the organ grinder beaches at the shores of scores in each of versing recognized for simple is the born.

Left turns in youthful comes in handy as the seat to drum the repetitious Singer just says it in his sleep,
we all die to follow the Sun the flowers cried in the Face of destruction created just to lie,
word it up in Volcano the flume of smoke to Pied a spanking is not good enough as the Core is in a dye,
Red picked to Ripe in Bite the Swallow is not the Halo dick that is just another path to empty sticked.

The glue to the ribbon around the Ole' Oak Speak in Acoustical Echoes the Shadow is the Creek,
river to the Damned for Hoover has a Stand creation is the birth Evolution brings the Tan,
he wears his clothes called it skin wished for that in base akin should you just have time he said,
he'd make the same mistake in dread for choice is often in the fed of the Singer's proof in bed.

Rank the Captain to the Tower a Babble in the Nower of the Minuets sung to Pan the Hour,
brake this News to Prime the Proper leading to the Aughter for Marriage is just paper as a Head of state,
the Lord in Said Difference the Sir by No misplaced standing is the Opportune to equal up the Vase.

Drawings much to Mural a Scope or the Glasses in which does the Use behave in the Fishing Tanked,
sharks will swim with dolphins whales in the surf Octopus will Ink with a natural blinked,
Net the Cob to Source the Kernel or the Vagrant is it Food for Thought or a Menu Wrought?

In between the history mean cruel to hide from drinking Ply as the Coach to every Ride scoots the streak,
as James Blunt also said that he missed the do in the years where Minds would Meet to work out in fear,
the Government was in the Business and Now it's in your Ear your Screen to every bring,
watching as the bookings salve a profile built on swiping Aps. appropriations often track from As tack.

Saddled Bridled Bits To Stiles  

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